Wednesday, June 12

the month of may... part 1

i left off at Prom (and the First Lady of the neighborhood association is demanding an update!)... if i remember correctly, prom was in April, and i reported in to you in May. i could be really really really wrong though because i still kinda think this is January.  :-D

i saw a rabbit... okay, i saw a lot of rabbits. they are ALLLLL over my 'hood this spring and summer!

it's become a big joke in the single-wide about how if you wanna know where i've been, or what i've seen, look through my camera card. it's also become a big joke that really strange things catch my eye through my camera lens and i feel compelled to photograph them... but that's a whole 'nother story...

for now - i've decided to tell you a pictorial story of my May... and because my camera card holds vast amounts of extremely random stuff (and that isn't even including the picture folders on my phone!!!) - this will be a two-parter...

part 1:

(it started with the rabbit.)

the man-child had his very last high school band concert where he pulled a fast one and traded the trombone for the baritone... he does that sometimes.

then, one bright, saturday morning, i headed off for a tractor pull that the ultimate redneck - my Uncle - was pullin' in...

i looked for petal powered tractors, but i didn't see any.

not tooooo far in to this fun little road trip, i got sidetracked by an estate sale sign. on the way to the estate sale, i crossed this bridge and became fascinated with the yellow... so i pulled over.

when i was little - we used to swim in this creek...

instead of counting my age in years - i've decided i'm going to count it in dropping water levels... ;-D OBVIOUSLY i was little a lot of water levels ago!!!

and i saw this... growing in rock and debris, yellow stuff and asphalt... that's pretty fun, right? so i took a picture of it.

i made it to the estate sale and found some barrels and an old tv stand and a various assortment of other fun... did i take pictures of any of it? no.

BUT! i did make it to the tractor pull...

and - just in time!!!

i almost missed the Uncle redneck!!!

look Ma! no hands!!!

did he cause a tractor jam?!

redneck tractor puller in training...

luckily - i didn't miss the Uncle redneck. well - 3 of his 4 pulls i didn't miss. he had 3 tractors out there... the two gorgeously restored and stylin' Allis Chalmers, and this one...

he HAD to take this one so he could maintain his redneck credentials...

don't judge a book by it's cover though...

he won four of these - and one on this tractor!

there were some other pretty cool tractors out there... just don't tell my Uncle i said that, m'kay?

red tractor, red suspenders... "git'r done!!!"

and this one:

i want a roll bar.

after the tractor pull, i made great things.

one of them was "mar.gie":

not only a new pocketbook out of re.cycled FUN - but a new pattern design as well!

THEN: it was senior picture time...

yeah... that's about how it went.

remind me next time to HIRE a photographer - not try to argue with the man-child and his hair for just ONE good photo!!!

since he hated posing for me sooooooooooooo much...

i saw this in an alley and i made him the getaway driver (for the first time EVER) in a dumpster diving expedition.

he KIND OF thought that was amusing... but not as amusing as he found it when i told him i was going to report him to his Grandmother (don't tell her, but he's really not as skeert of her as i am) if he didn't straighten up and let me get good graduation invitation photos...

~to be continued~