Friday, April 3

And....I'm Off!

You Might Be A NASCAR Redneck If. . . . . .

  • You think the last four words of the National Anthem are "Gentleman start your engines!"....
  • You think heaven looks a lot like Daytona Beach Florida ...
  • You’ve ever written Richard Petty’s name on a presidential ballot....
  • You have the word NASCAR in your wedding vows....
  • You know who is actually leading the Winston Cup series....
  • Your favorite NASCAR souvenir was a direct result of a crash in turn three....
  • You spell out NASCAR in Christmas lights (then leave 'em out all year)....
Yep - you guessed it - I am off to the races this week-end! The girl who is all about ruffles and flowers and lace and sparkly things secretly LOVES having to wash the burned rubber and gas fumes out of her skirt!!! Watch for me - I'm the one yelling the loudest coming out of pit row!!!

'til the next time -

Have a great week-end - Happy Junkin' and LEMME HEAR YOU YELLLLL! (you will know me by the pink flowery hat with big vintage sparkly thing, chandelier earrings, diamante studded sunglasses and the perfect lil' Sunday tea dress!)

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...

:-) robelyn