Friday, May 15

oh...sparkly things...

I am a girl that loves bling. I am the purveyor of all things shiny and sparkly - the hoarder of anything that glistens or gleams (Crows and I seem to go head-to-head...if it's shiny and sparkly, I don't hesitate to knock 'em out of my way while reaching for it...) Doesn't matter where the bling is located! On my shoes, blouse, around my neck, in my ears, on my wrist, on my fingers (yes, I said fingers as in multiple bling locations), purses - i even have sparkles in my car paint. Bling is GOOD! Shine and Sparkle is BETTER! Vintage bling leaves me speechless due to the fact that my eyes are usually glassed over and I am prone to gasping and pointing with lustful desire. (If you ever see me in that state, please close my mouth and let me be.)

At the show in Ft. Worth a couple of weeks ago I sported sparkle and bling - courtesy of my new FAVORITE sparkly thing spot!!! I do believe I may now have a new lucky charm! can't have this one, it's mine!!! whoo hoo!!! But Michele has plenty more! Unless I get there first, then we might have to go through the whole crow/knock-out routine...

With Spring being in full swing, the partly cloudy days and sporadic thunder storms have had me digging deep in the VAST bling and sparkle supply that has taken over my house...with my permission of course! Nothing can brighten your day up faster than a rhinestone, pearl or both (plus some more)! I will swear by this!!!

I am even guilty of doing big, dirty yucky jobs in sparkly things and you think it could be the red.neck in me? haha! I wonder if Shelley's South Shore Jewelry has a lucky charm for big yucky job days...

So I say - bring on the bling! Pile it on - layer it on - pin it on - slide it on - show off those rhinestones - raid your mother's jewelry box...oh wait, she reads this...don't let your mother catch you raiding her jewelry box - wear it with pride - let them see you coming!!! Go visit Michele!!!

Just watch for the red.neck and the crows....

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...

:-) robelyn