Monday, October 19

It was Love At First Sight...

I saw him across a crowded room...

My blue eyes met his a-luminous gaze for just a fleeting moment, but that briefest moment is all it took for me to fall for him - madly, deeply ...

He was crowded and packed in, a genuine hoard surrounding him, trapping him...

I knew he was everything I wanted and desired... everything that I had been searching for.  Strong, sturdy legs - His back arched and stout - able to bear all burdens (cat and a teenager...need I elaborate here?)...

I ran to him -  pushed and pulled, lifted and shoved the massive mountain of riffraff out of my way just to reach him...He was mine - I was laying claim to him.  His name is Walker...

Shaw Walker.  He now belongs to me - he will be the one to take up residence at the head of my table, the decision maker on the completion of my kitchen, dining and living area.  He is the one.

I am going to smother him with TLC, design a new suit for him to wear - polish him up and remove some of his battle scars... shower him with my love and affection...

He is mine.

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...hee-hee
;-) Robelyn

P.S. Anyone have any suggestions for me on how to fix the aluminum skirt?  LOL  Brasso is working on everything else, but I am having a heck of a time trying to reverse the signs of age here...

Thank You for any and all suggestions - I'll keep you posted on how my "chair-mance" turns out!!!  ;-)