Wednesday, October 14

WHEW! Give the girl some air!!!

I am so sad to have to report a fatality in the land of red.neck Chic...

My ugly, outdated, brown and I don't know what, ugly, missing a chain, tried to save it with pretty glass domes, ugly, outda...oh, now I'm repeating myself...ceiling fan died a nasty, noisy, gruesome - slightly off kilter - death...
If I could please have a moment...
Now, where was I?  Oh yeah...

WHOO HOO I GOT A NEW CEILING FAN!!!  I'm so excited! (It's not the one shown above, but how cool is THAT?!!!)  You know how it goes - if it works, don't fix it - that's pretty much my motto when it comes to small appliances, but I can't tell you how excited I am that the bain of my decorating existence is now laying face down on my front porch!  I know, I know, I'm supposed to re.cycle, re.define and all of that...but good golly that thing was UGLY!!!  And you KNOW I mean it when I say I couldn't even save it with spray paint!  WHEW!  No way was I going to take a picture of it...
a.) it would scare the livin' daylights out of you (yes, that ugly...)
b.) I refuse to record it in the pictorial history of all things red.neck.  No way.

(This isn't my new one either, but cool is that?!!?)

 I had NO CLUE I was so picky in the ceiling fan department!  And, have you had to pick one out recently?  Oh my gosh - I'm obviously in the wrong business and should be designing ceiling you think the home store has any with duct tape?  If not, they have no idea what they are missing...

Not mine...if it were mine those antlers would be hot pink or turquoise or mandarin orange...something...
First I had to decide what finish I wanted to go with...that was easy enough (I have a secret love affair with aluminum...sssshhhhhhh....don't tell my fabrics or rusty metals) so I chose brushed nickle.  Well...that narrowed my search down to oh...I don't know... a thousand million options?  AUGH!
Nope, not this one either... but I'm liking it!  A lot!

THEN!  I had to pick a room size...small room? no.  large room? by some standards, maybe...but not a junkers...HA! Then there were some for great rooms - in my future barn with few walls, a couple of fireplaces and too many windows to count, perhaps one of those big giants will fit in...
(nope, not one of these either - but could you imagine one of these in your home?  I'd be tripping over everything in my path because I'd be forever looking up...)
Well, then the fun began...I started looking at the actual designs.  Now, I'm a girl that can look at something and act immediately - either, "yes, I have to have that" or "no way is that coming home with me."  But, alas, I do believe I have hit my the ceiling fan department of all places!  Talk about some SERIOUS indecision!  It makes me cringe just remembering the choices that were available to me!

I didn't choose this one either, but isn't it SO pretty?!!? Who knew a ceiling fan could look so delicate and feminine?  I am re-doing my bedroom....hmmmm...
Anyway...I started humming "The Clash" song...and started singing to myself when I got to "the indecision's killing me" part (I spared all Home Depot employees my air guitar performance - the Lowe's employees are still scratching their heads...)  Do I pick a style that matches my crystal chandelier hanging over my dining table?  Do I get something simple that goes with anything and everything?  Modern?  Rustic?  Cottage? Vintage Inspired? Urban?  Contemporary?  Girly? Black?  White? Cream?  Brown?  Faux wood grain?  Real wood?  Matte?  Gloss? See my dilemna?
Well...I decided to embrace the sheer funkiness that is my house.  I have a Victorian (oh so deliciously girly) crystal chandelier hanging over my 50's dinette set that resides in front of my urban-y chrome open shelving - side by side with my mid century modern cabinet - filled to the brim with the absolute definition of shabby chic china and rusty metal tool boxes... sheer funkiness, but it works - I promise!  I'll have to take you on a tour some time!

And TA DA!!!

This is what I chose!  I turned the blades so that matte black shows in the room (to tie in a few other decorative elements and furniture), but the cherry red and chrome seem to bring my dinette set a little more "in line" (is that possible?) with my living room (it's all an open floor plan) and I couldn't be happier! Well, let me choose a new ceiling color, THEN I couldn't be happier!  Oh come knew a new fan was going to lead to a change in the color of my HAVE to have me figured out by now... 

What is your most surprising decorating road-block?  Did you ever have to pick something out that you thought, "oh - so easy!" but catch yourself singing about indecision in the middle of the aisle?  Did they try to send you on a mini-vacation with the white suited men like they did me?  yeeeeeeee haw! 

'Til the next time!  Happy junkin'... or fan hunting...what-ever the case may be!

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...hee-hee
:-) robelyn