Monday, November 30

Slime, Sparkles and Squirrels...

What a crazy and FUN llllllloooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg week-end I had!!!  First off - special thanks goes out to the great chef, the cook of all cooks... the guru of "slimy green stuff" - my Mother! She rebelled against her sense of "what's tasty and what's not" and made me some MARSHMELLAR salad!!!

I got a BIG bowl of slime!!! I'm so excited - I even got to bring the leftovers home (and nope, not in a cool whip container...)!!! Can you imagine?  Leftovers of marshmellar goodness? I have green stuff in my refrigerator...want some?  LOL

Then!  On Friday I wandered East.  Not really following a star or anything...just the sparklin' trail of glitter....  lots of pretty pretty sparklies...

I arrived at Winnie and Tulula's...and when I say I arrived I mean... I ARRIVED!!!  I was gonna go stompin' in wearin' my cowgirly boots and shout out thru my duct tape roll that indeed, the party could start since I wuz thaaar...but OH MY!  Was it goin' full force without me!!!  Talk about GORGEOUSNESS!!!  I couldn't even speak in the beginning 'cause my eyes were filled with sparklin' splendor!!! You know the whole "red.neck in a duct tape store" look?  I had it goin' on - I was skeert to blink in case I missed something!!!
Luckily for me I was greeted at the door by Daphne who steered me through the crowds to meet the great Mindy and David (not kidding - Mindy's a maniac! - it's like...there's another me out there! I love it!!!), then to meet the Trash Talkin' Diva herself -

Debbie (I want to be like her when I grow up!) and THE oh-so-famous Cat Daddy!!!  AND!  I got to meet Bella's Mama, Jenn (I'll babysit!!!)!

While talking to Debbie she introduced me to the absolutely incredible (and hilariously funny) Six Sisters!  All in the first 10 minutes!  Not kidding!!!  It was my idea of pure bliss - being surrounded by ABSOLUTE talent and fun - the glitter was the sparklin' icing on the cake!!!

And what glitter it was!!!  Everywhere I looked!!!  From Deb's space of Angels and silver mantles to Mindy's space of creamy Christmas trees and decanters (I'm trying to figure out how to get a ladder with a chandelier front and center in my living room at this very moment) -

all the way back to Margo's corner of "play with me and make something wonderful!"! Did I say - I GOT TO MEET THE ROBOLADY!!!

Oh... the luscious sparkles (and cool mannequins!) in between!!!  I had countless (and I mean countless) numbers of Debs' "squirrel" moments - I found someone to chat with and there I went, something to drool over and there I went...

and some havoc to wreak and there I...oh wait.  I always wreak some sort of havoc. Any.way.

Let's talk mason jars for a second here... *hiccup*... and the stuff that Mindy hides somewhere amongst her sparklies...

I'm going for more of that THIS week-end - and I'm bringing a really big mason jar with a duct tape label that says "mine.".  yyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeee-haw! Perhaps she'll even let me wear her hat while I make off with her egg nog?

Wanna know what I got?  The gold bedspread I eye-balled at the junk exchange sale, then she grabbed it up!  Thank You Mindy!!! Seriously - I'm lovin' it that there's another "me"!  I AM going to have to take her one of my extra fire extinguishers...

I spent many a minutes loitering in the eye-candy-licious Willow's Nest area - everything was just so gorgeous! I walked away from that glittery eye candy with the most amazing pattern flower - with tons of glitter and a vintage button!!!

I thought for sure at one point I was going to double over from the constant giggling... between Mrs. Angelique and Mrs. Misty (The Six Sisters!) my sides were startin' to twitch!  They are HILARIOUS!  Add in Ms. Morgan (Misty's daughter) and the fun really kicked up a notch! One was holding faucets and springs in her hands while the other had visions of furry creations dancing in her head - both of them MEGA talented - and Morgan wandering around talking about the "old stuff".  (oh...I hope I didn't fall in that category... hmmmmm)

Then - I had to tear it up with Mrs. Trash... she definitely has true "white trash" style and grace (seriously - that's totally a compliment in this here neck-o'-the-woods)!!!  It was reflected in her glittery haven as well as in her words! AND!  She makes me feel so much better about leaving my sweaters hangin' 'round in my dining room...

don't you just love that?!!? The flower bouquets were made by Jenn - I need those too when I do my laundry. (mischievous grin goes here.) And oh my sparklin' stars - Cat Daddy has some stories to tell!  I could have parked myself somewhere and listened to all of his fun for days!

There were so many different talented talented vendors - each and EVERY one of them with BEAUTIFUL goodies I needed to bring home with me!!! I left a trail of duct tape so I can find my way back - SOON! Really, there's a good chance I could rattle on for hours, so how 'bout I send you over to David and let his gorgeous photos speak for themselves?! Some FANTASTICAL and GLITTERICIOUS fun was had by all I do believe, and I'm SO glad I didn't miss a single SECOND - or a single drop of glitter - or a single meeting of the coolest of cool bloggin' pals!!!

Dear Santa baby - you can drop EVERYTHING that was in Winnie and Tulula's down my chimney... I promise, I been a good red.neck for the past 5 minutes year.
;-D (that's my purely angelic grin...)

After all of THAT fun I got to hang with my most favorite 3 nieces (one of them is SUCH my mini-me!!! poor girl!), and their parents and their Uncle (who YAY just moved here from Florida!!!)  Watch out world - I've got back-up in the form of my lil' brother now..whooooooooowheeeeee  And Anne?  He's in your neighborhood.... bwoo hahaha!

Now, I'm off to glitter the single-wide, the cat and the resident teen if he stands in my way...

Have yerself a Happy Monday!!!
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-) Robelyn