Wednesday, January 13

I see...

I have left the geek-squad and returned my ugly nerd glasses to 'em (after 11-12 years of service)... along with the matching pocket protector.  I am starting out the new century with some CUTE nerdy glasses!!!  I'm so excited!!!  As a matter of fact - I'm so exited that I have left my contact lenses in their case!!!  There ARE a pair of them, so they won't be lonely...

I actually sat still long enough to watch some TV show the other day and that sent me off on my quest for some cute/more modern eyeballs.  LOL

After some research...

I have come to the conclusion that though I have dreams of looking like some 20's/30's/40's/50's glamor girl pin-up - all cute and nerdy in my sparkley glasses - I indeed look like the girl next door (as well as being a red.neck)... so my glasses should reflect that.  LOLOL This is what I ended up with...

I like them!  They are rectangle versus my wee lil' round ones I retired - and the sparkles are present!!!  Although - I'm not totally writing off some of the sparklier frames.  There might come a time when the inner pin-up diva chooses to make a few appearances...

Do you wear glasses?

In honor of my new "look" I even wore lipstick today... that's sayin' sumthin'...

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-)  robelyn