Wednesday, February 3

I ain't no robot!

Misty and Angelique awarded me the "Not A Stepford Blog" award... not ONLY that but I was one of the first recipients... not ONLY that but Misty hit her 100 posts mark!!!  I met Misty and Angelique the week-end after Thanksgiving and ohmygosh - I'm so glad I did!  So much to learn from those two about love, faith, hope, determination, family (and twins!) - all of that combined with two HUGE hearts and extreme humor.  They crack me up!  Angelique's blog I entered in the middle and had to rewind to read all about her, Misty's blog I was there the first day... the first day where she posted either 3 or 19 posts in one day. hee-hee  So thank you to BOTH of you!!!

What is the "Not A Stepford Blog" award you might ask?  To quote Misty: "those who think outside the box and cherish individuality!!"  I do indeed do what I do!  And my blog is indeed who I am (and we hope for the worlds' sake that there is only one of me.)!  And... what's a box? 'Cept for one thang... my Mama is a Yankee and so I wuz raised to use "ya'll" sparingly and NEVER use "ain't" - so I REALLY have to try to get the red.neck slang workin' and sometimes I have to use the redneck dictionary.  Yep, thar's an app for that!  ha HA!  When you meet me in person I pronounce my words properly (skeert o' the mama!) - but they are voiced in that Slow Texas Drrrrraaaaawwwwwlllll.  Now you know my dirty lil' secret when you read my slang.  I have to work at it - though it is coming a tad bit more natural...ya'll.  Oh, and...  I don't own a cowboy hat either - but I do own a pink John Deere baseball cap 'cause I'm just cool like that.

Now - I've been thinkin' long and hard about who to pass this on to.  There are SO many of you that deserve this award!  I like to think if you are reading along with me and if I'm reading along with YOU then you are as real as your blog is.  And - if you are reading along with me and I've been reading along with YOU I think you should know... you inspire meMindy told me about a book called, "Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman... they are:
Physical Touch
Quality Time
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation

Most people have a primary language that "fills their love cup". Some folks have a couple that are dominant.  Since she told me about this I've been thinkin' - and the language that "fills my cup" is "Quality Time."  All of you pour me a whole super large grande mega cup when you take your time here with me, and when you offer me your time on your blog.  So, Thank You!!!

Mindy.  Mindy is as real as her blog.  You meet her in person and you feel that you have already known her forever.  I found Mindy when I was trying to covertly wipe the drool off of her cool junk in Athens (while glancing around to make sure I wasn't being watched and laughed at), then I had to stalk her and track her like a hound-dog 'til I found her blog.  ha HA!  Now I feel that I've found a very real lady, business owner, junker as well as a very real friend.  Who has great junk that I like to put in my house... and then I like to renovate the house to accommodate more of her great junk. She inspires me, encourages me, makes me laugh - and just makes me more me. And she makes me want to be more.  Period.

Debbie.  Now... let's talk some trash!!! Oh wait, SHE DOES THAT!  There is not one paragraph in the world that could sum up the Debster - so I'm not even going to try. I could follow Debbie around for the next 20 years and NEVER hear the same story twice or learn the same things twice.  I have laughed with her, I have laughed AT her, I've cried with her... and I've filed adoption papers.  LOLOL  The way I figure it, if I adopt her then I get Cat Daddy and Jenn and Bella as well! Debbie is just as real and as one-of-a-kind as her blog is.  So is Jenn... and Jenn puts up with me when I can't for the life of me figure out Facebook.  Debbie's in the process of writing a book and I for one can't WAIT to bury my nose in it and then turn it over to someone else a few years later with some seriously dog-eared pages and tons of highlighted notes... I just feel it's going to be THAT good.

Karyn.  If I had to pick a fairy blog mama it would be Karyn.  She found me when I was just getting started and she's hung in there with me, encouraged me and inspired me a million times over since then!!!  I haven't met her in person....yet... but our day's comin'!  We have plans.... great plans... and you might have to come bail us out of jail or something, but I guarantee you we will have great fun and stories to boot!  LOL  Karyn, to me is as real as her blog is.  And when I DO meet her in person I think she will be one of those that I feel like I've known since I was renovating my Barbie house.

Mr. Flannery.  Have you met Mr. Flannery?  I haven't yet.  But I will roll my duct tape his direction at some point.  Mr. Flannery's blog is as real as he is.  He spoils me rotten, he's encouraging, he inspires me (which translates into: "that man is my purse muse".  LOLOLOL  Mr. Flannery won me over with the words, "automotive paint".  I'm like duct tape colored putty in his hands and if you haven't met him yet, you need to.  AND!  He led me to Kris and her husband Mike!  I will also roll my duct tape into Kris's house... just be warned Kris - this is your heads up that I will arrive armed with lots of ingredients for lots of good food.  ha HA!

Debra.  Debra is the battery for my GPS tracking system.  She keeps me on track as well as being a real inspiration.  She is encouraging, uplifting and a decorating guru.  Seriously- GURU!  Have you seen her house?  Euuuuuwwwwww lala I want to move in!!!  And she has me seeing plaid.  Everywhere.  On Everything.  No more seeing stars for me - it's just red plaid. I haven't met her yet but I'm betting every piece of junk I've got that she's as real as her blogs are.

So - those red.necks are the ones I'm passing the award on to!  Although - that was hard... I'm not kidding - if you look at my blog roll and my "I'm following" list and those who comment here I think you all deserve the award.  Now, I will return to my regular programming of Nyquil and Kleenexes because the stoooooooooopid Texas weather is as erratic as my blog is and I think I've sneezed and coughed and blown my nose so much my brain has left the building... or the box.

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-)  Robelyn