Monday, May 10

The Mama

Happy MONDAY!!!

It's official.  "The Mama" is the hostess with the mostest here in this neck 'o the woods!

I am happy to report that I indeed had tea with "The Mama" and her church ladies - and my Aunt and Cousin, and my Three Nieces and Sister 'n Law, and my Step-Sister and her daughters - instead of the local Fire Department!  AND!

The birds nest cookies were pretty tasty!!!  I highly recommend you potentially burning your house down with a double boiler for the little nests of chocolaty goodness!  Oh wait - no I don't!!!  They were good though!

"The Mama" had each table with a different color combo and/or theme - all centered around birds and gardening!  Bird Houses... bird cages... cats in bird cages...

She had it ALL!!!  Table cloths and table toppers - pretty sugar bowls and salt 'n pepper shakers - different plates and napkins for each table - ALL I tell ya!

There were some DEEEEElicious finger sandwiches, (I was introduced to egg salad on pumpernickel bread - I'm making the switch from Peanut Butter and Jelly official today.) fruits and vegetables (I'm such a sucka for green olives!!!) and little tiny cupcakes with SPARKLES on them!!!  Yummmm... yeah!

The ceramic rooster was my Grandmothers and the wooden one on the other end was from the mind and hands of my Grandfather - then my Grandmother painted it!

Oh - and of course - we had tea!  Not hot tea but raspberry tea (with raspberries in it!) and lemonade! Again... Yummmmmmm!

"The Step-Daddy" made this bird house!  He made each of us one a few years ago for Christmas! Oh come on... you knew I got the whole "red.neck / car parts" gene from somewhere - and there ain't no tea party complete without a license plate in there SOMEWHERE!!!

And fun was had by all! Even "The Mama"... but she was pretty worn out by the end of the day!!!  She SAYS no more parties... but she said that last year after the Mother's Day tea... and I'm fairly certain she has plans already for next May... we'll see!!!

Did you have a Happy/Wonderful/Relaxing - FUN - Mother's Day?  I sho 'nuff hope so!!!  I worked my duct tape roll to the very core for Mother's Day... details to follow...

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-)  robelyn