Tuesday, July 13

when life hands you lemons...

make off with yo' mama's salad plates and have a pink lemonade party!!!

My 3 lil' nieces are going to be attending "Grandma Camp" at "the Mama's" this month.  I - being the cool Aunt that I am - am nabbin' the oldest one for a night and day!  Because I'm old not used to little people at my feet anymore, it's always pure panic mode that sets in prior to me knowing I'm responsible for a little person and their entertainment.

This time?  I'm armed and ready.  When the "big E" (they all have names starting with "E") comes over - we will be plotting, planning, making decorations AND decorating for a pink lemonade party that "the Gran" and two younger "E"'s will be attending!  Keepin' her busy?  You betcha'.  Luckily for me, "Aunt Robye's" la.bor.a.tor.y is where the cool kids like to hang and make things.  hee-hee

So - anyway - I stole "the Mama's" salad plates when I was supposed to be selling them at the Taj Mahal.  I've looked high - I've looked low - I've looked in every nook and cranny in between for tea cups in powder blue (I want to pull out the little bits of blue in the dishes - I think it will be CUTE!).  I lifted two off "the Mindy" - but that's all I've found! So....hmmmm.....

I found a solution!  Yes, bar glasses.  Yes - I'm aware all "E's" are under 10 yrs. old.  No - I'm not crazy.  Well, perhaps a lil' crazy, but no worries - I keep things fun! They will NOW be pink lemonade glasses!

I walked into my pay-the-bills job - raided the vinyl selection for the colors I needed - found some rose clip art...

pink lemonade glasses to match the pirated china! yeeeeeeHAW!
(If you don't have access to a massive amount of vinyl - a plotter - and/or clip art, raid Etsy or your local sign shop - it's AMAZING what you can do with this stuff... and it's water proof!!! You can even remove it when done - clean with rubbing alcohol and start plannin' the next big shin-dig!)

There's so much to plan (I'll keep you posted on it ALL!)... fabric napkins, tablecloths, centerpieces, cupcake holders, napkin rings, polka dotted fun stuff, flower banner thingys, princess crowns... this is gonna be FUN!

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide (where I'm not sure who's going to be having more fun - "Aunt Robye" or "Big E")... hee-hee
;-) robelyn