Sunday, August 15

month of birthdays...

Did you know...

Martha Stewart was born in August?

And, did you know...

Julia Child was born in August?

And, did you know...

Rachael Ray was born in August?

Three - count 'em - THREE! of the world's best cookin' Divas were born in August.

My Grandmother was born in August...

and she made the BEST chocolate chip cookies. EVER.

The Big "E" was born in August...

and if you remember - that girl whipped up some DEEEEElicious strawberry cupcakes!!!

And... did you know that your fa.vo.rite red.neck was born in August? And....

What is up with THAT?!!?  They sucked all of the cooking abilities out of August!!!

My name is Robelyn, I can't cook... and I'm OneHundredandSeventyThreeYearsOld today...

and holding.

Wanna come hang out in the kitchen with me? *giggle*

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide (that really isn't the single-wide - I promise... no WAY did I light OneHundredandSeventyThree candles and try to hold 'em...)hee-hee