Wednesday, September 1

brownie slurpin' 101

So... yesterday I wandered over to one of my fav.o.rite haunts. Have you been to visit Lisa at Hospitable Pursuits?  You should go there... she reads fantastic books - she COOKS - she taunts me with houses that make me want to go pack up everything in the single-wide and move to the Dallas area... she cooks...

Monday Lisa baked some Black Cherry Brownies. And ohmygosh they looked SO good - and magical Lisa made it look and sound SO easy that I thought to myself, "self - you can DO this"!

The ingredients were bought... the pan was borrowed from an across the pasture house (I should have known as I was tippy-toein' past the sleeping dogs and stealthily sneaking in to steal a brownie makin' pan that ANYONE who doesn't have said pan already in their kitchen should just buy brownies from the bakery...)

Anyway - I followed the directions on the box - set the oven at 350, poured the oil and water, eggs and cherries in...

Did the toothpick check. I SWEAR - I did the toothpick check!  I have an I-was-on-the-phone witness!!!  The toothpick came out clean! So I iced the brownies after they cooled... and I swirled the jam in pretty stripes...

Turns out you should stick the toothpick in to the MIDDLE of the brownies to see if they are done.

Go see Lisa... she knows how to cook...

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide (where I'm very happily going in to sugar shock while sipping my Black Cherry Brownies...

but I have enough for both of us!!!) hee-hee

Oh OH! AND! I DID NOT burn my house down!!! That's always a plus...