Tuesday, June 21

wanted! or.... voulu!

Are you ready for some fun my lovely lovely red.neck rustre friends (I translated "redneck" in to French... red.necks are so cool they transcend language barriers...) - here's a new pocketbook for you! I want you to meet: "mrs. fran.cis something-or-another"

"mrs. fran.cis something-or-another" needs a name 'cause she can't remain "something-or-another"... remember how it goes?

I give you the name of the Pattern:

Pattern name is "mrs. fran.cis"
Some history of her ingredients ('cause you know each pocketbook is cooked up with fun!):

Vintage "souvenir de Paris" handkerchief, recycled Mexican skirt (the embroidery is GORGEOUS... and yes, I'm totally mixin' countries here...!), a thrifted brooch, recycled upholstery vinyl and... a striped fabric sample!  Oh - and some recycled red purse handles.

Then I say Go!

Don't forget - the name I duct tape to "mrs. fran.cis something-or-another" gets a link to YOUR blog (or website - even your Etsy Shop!) in the product description in my Etsy shop! Are you game?


comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide vient à vous en direct d'une unique à l'échelle... where I love reading what ya'll come up with... it makes me laugh. out. loud... and I'm going to learn how to laugh in French... hee-hee