Monday, July 25

i'm on the case.

Howdy!  How was your week-end?!

Sunday I went to Hillsboro Antique Mall to add some fun to the "Taj Mahal"...

I'm thinking now that I need to have a big sale 'cause the "Taj Mahal" is bursting at it's seams - and I have a whole lot more junk fun stuff to haul in there!

On my way out I "window shopped" in the display cases... investigated the goods.

And made a list. A very lonnnnnnnng list... a mile-long list...

of things that I would like to own out of the display cases.

Starting with this:

And ending with this:

'cause you know how I feel about the Happy Daisies. And color. Color, color, COLOR!!!

comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where I'm wondering:

See anything that makes you scream, "I WANT THAT!!!"? I'm on the case. hee-hee