Monday, October 31


her name was "ladyfingers"...

Happy Halloween...

comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... where I'm gonna yell "BOO!" at everyone I see today 'cause it's a bad hair day and I'm thinkin'... "Cousin It". Just as soon as I find my sunglasses... hee-hee

Friday, October 28

amuck, amuck, amuck...

Today in red.neckville we're brewen' up some fun...

'Eye of newt, and toe of frog,

Wool of bat, and tongue of dog'
'Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,

Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing'

'For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and babble'

smash the oreos with the tool the cereal killer left behind.
(he's 17. i'm sure in his teen-age universe the wrench left on the cereal shelf makes perfect sense.)

'Double, double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn, and caldron bubble'...

bwooooooo hahahahahahaha....

comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where the eyeballs just kinda gross me out - but the teenagers that all think they live at my house were pretty impressed. Are YOU ready for Halloween?

Know how witches drink their tea? Out of flying saucers.

tee-hee-hee... I'm just running amuck, amuck, amuck..
p.s. the recipe really is so simple... EYE can do it which means YOU sho' 'nuff can!
1 box of instant pudding (not the cooking kind 'cause that requires the local FD)
some oreos
gummy worms
and if you're sick like me... gum ball eyeballs.
make the pudding... mix in some worms... crush the oreos and pile on top! add another worm or two - and some eyeballs.

Wednesday, October 26


I forgot to show you my space at Zapp Hall! *gasp*

My brain is still fried from the 100,000,000,000, +++ degree temps that it was out there in the cow pasture.

Do you remember that Leslie the Retreauxgirl was my special guest? (I am still so honored!) Leslie is SPECIAL... eSPECIALly talented! Look at this:

and this:

The Retreauxgirl was rockin' and rollin'!!! It was so much fun to hear all of the "hey, look at this!" when customers were looking at her sparklin' thangs!!! I loved having her so much I asked her to be my guest again in the Spring! I'm excited!!! You won't want to miss her - I promise!

And... Zapp wouldn't have been NEAR as successful for me without the help of my mighty assistant. Mama Debinator thinks Grayzilla is HER assistant but I beg to differ...

NObody - and I mean NOBODY

can bring the "Chic" to the red.neck better than Grayzilla!!! I have come to the conclusion that I can do no other shows without her. I wonder what the child labor laws are in red.neckville?

Hmmm.... what else have I forgotten to show you?

There you have it!

I didn't have much of anything to load up and bring home (other than what I BOUGHT when I was there to SELL)...

and I'm thinking that's a GOOD problem, right?!

really. this was the end of my tent. ;-D
comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where the show must go on, sew I'm getting ready for Funky Finds in a couple of weeks! My poor sewing machines may go on strike here shortly... I wonder if Grayzilla can sew yet? hee-hee

Monday, October 24

one little, two little, three little...


I know I'm in my late... I'm older, but I couldn't stop myself from hanging some woolly fuzziness on my bedroom wall (wouldn't it would be cute in a nursery?!).

and yes. that is "raspberry pink" thrown in for fun. with the red. and the black.
Okay - these aren't woolly or fuzzy (yet. dust bunnies DO happen) but ewe know what I mean.

I decided while I was cleaning, painting and generally wreaking havoc on my bedroom this past week-end that I'm just going to embrace my "inner quirky".

Apparently my "inner quirky" translates in to: I'm hanging some sheep on my wall. *shrug*

The frame and the picture that was so hideous it wasn't worth a "before" picture was a garage sale find a couple of months ago: $5. After another $5 (can you believe I didn't have any white paint?! Goodness - have I learned NOTHING?!!!) I can now count sheep while trying to turn my brain off at night. And then when I wake up I can gaze happily at the "sunrise red" frame.

comin' to ewe LIVE from a single-wide where "The Antonio Project" (I wonder if he has single-wides in his portfolio yet?) has been playing non-stop for two weeks because I finally figured out how to make the DVR play the shows I've been recording for the past year. Whoo Hoo!!! His motto is "go big or go home"... the sheep picture measures in at a whoppin' 4' x 4.5'. Think that's big enough? hee-hee

Friday, October 21

it's all black and white.

I've had a black (chalkboard paint! yay!) wall in my bedroom for a while now. (Ask "the Mama" what she thinks about that.)

My bedroom has been a complete disaster for a while now. (Don't ask "the Mama" what she thinks about that.)

I don't know why, but I always draw a big black blank when it comes to my bedroom. All other rooms in the single-wide get a face lift on a daily weekly monthly seasonal basis...

but I'm never sure what to do with my bedroom. Do you have a room in your house that you are forever struggling with? (It's ALWAYS been my bedroom that leaves me mystified.)

because "the Mama" and her red-in-the-house is apparently hereditary.
Simple is good... keeping the black wall that I adore is a given.
I've been throwing everything that does not serve a purpose in the "get away from me NOW" pile...

and this week-end I'm going to finish cleaning out, painting, sewing - and then:

Because that's the way things happen sometimes at my house.

comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where I'm wondering what are you going to be doing this week-end? Tacklin' any big projects?

all images via pinterest the photocrack site.

Wednesday, October 19


Mad photography skillz courtesy of Samantha

Have you met Pig?

You should meet Pig. She likes carbs. She's not picky - just give her anything with carbs.

Pig won the giveaway!!!

Oh wait... Pig is in the middle of her beauty sleep.

Samantha - would you be willing to accept the big box o' fun for Pig? I won't tell her you signed for the box if you don't...

comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where I wish I could send each and every one of you a big box of fun. Without YOU I am just... me. And me without you is absolutely no fun at all. Thank You for celebrating with me!!!! I think you are AWESOME!!!

Monday, October 17

*grin and giggle*

It takes sooooooooo little to make me grin and giggle.

But Max Steiner and his artistic awesomeness makes me *grin and giggle* in a goofy kind of way.

C'mon - how can I help myself when I have a little tiny cinder block hanging around my neck?!

Have you signed up for my giveaway? The big box o' fun will make YOU *grin and giggle*. Today is the last day! At midnight (Do you get visions of pumpkins and fairies and princes when you hear "midnight"?)!

I won't send you my cinder block necklace 'cause I'm selfish like that. BUT! I WILL send you an AWESOME necklace from Leslie the Retreauxgirl - a pocketbook - a dishtowel - an edison bulb - some "lip grease" (pucker up baby!) - some "SUDZ" (both laundry and hand soap) - some "red.neck Glam" (duct tape, pearls & sparklin' thangs... ALMOST as good as a tee-tiny cinder block!) a photo/recipe holder - AND! A mystery gift! You have at least nine chances to win (Look over there to the right - top of my sidebar... see all the chances?)!

comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where I'm wondering if maybe I should have some tiny old beat up truck earrings (minus their tires) to wear with my cinder block necklace? hmmmmm......