Monday, October 24

one little, two little, three little...


I know I'm in my late... I'm older, but I couldn't stop myself from hanging some woolly fuzziness on my bedroom wall (wouldn't it would be cute in a nursery?!).

and yes. that is "raspberry pink" thrown in for fun. with the red. and the black.
Okay - these aren't woolly or fuzzy (yet. dust bunnies DO happen) but ewe know what I mean.

I decided while I was cleaning, painting and generally wreaking havoc on my bedroom this past week-end that I'm just going to embrace my "inner quirky".

Apparently my "inner quirky" translates in to: I'm hanging some sheep on my wall. *shrug*

The frame and the picture that was so hideous it wasn't worth a "before" picture was a garage sale find a couple of months ago: $5. After another $5 (can you believe I didn't have any white paint?! Goodness - have I learned NOTHING?!!!) I can now count sheep while trying to turn my brain off at night. And then when I wake up I can gaze happily at the "sunrise red" frame.

comin' to ewe LIVE from a single-wide where "The Antonio Project" (I wonder if he has single-wides in his portfolio yet?) has been playing non-stop for two weeks because I finally figured out how to make the DVR play the shows I've been recording for the past year. Whoo Hoo!!! His motto is "go big or go home"... the sheep picture measures in at a whoppin' 4' x 4.5'. Think that's big enough? hee-hee