eye took some blinged up reading glasses to the "mercantile" in The Hillsboro Antique Mall the other day...
eye think they are super fun...
we'll see what my customers think! they are fun to wear... just take a pair of readers you've picked up along the way and e6000 some sparkles on 'em!
and, since we're on the subject of seein' things...
eye had a Kitty Cat Daddy sighting on Saturday...
comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where eye'm STILL doing the Kitten dance and eye'm feelin' VERY lucky that they spent their Saturday afternoon with lil' ol' me... don't be so jealous, you never know where YOU might spy Kitty Cat Daddy... he's always prowlin' around SOMEwhere!!!
Mama Debinator the Trash Talker herself was with Cat Daddy... but he just steals the show, doesn't he?
AND... speakin' of stealin' the show... have you been to see where they are heading next? go see here... Marburger won't know what hit 'em when Cat Daddy struts right on in...