Saturday, July 21


Fair food.

You know the kind... deep  fried...

dripping with melt-in-your-mouth grease that burns your tongue in the most delicious way - polish sausage sandwiches, corn dogs... mustard...

filling your blood stream with sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar... so much sugar that you type "sugar" 5 times in order to properly convey JUST how much sugar...

There isn't much that beats a small county fair. Friends and loved ones laughing and giggling, ooh'n and aah'n over displays, and rides, and tractors, and 4-H projects, and socks...

children running around with giggles dancing in the air around them... balloons bobbing and swaying in the breeze... music streaming from every ride... and fair food. Yummy delicious Fair Food.

The smell of funnel cakes and the accidental inhalation of powdered sugar. Cotton Candy that sticks to your fingers, your lips... then turns your tongue blue. The candy apples that you have to take home because you can't believe you ate so much...

comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where I'm wishing for some more cotton candy and a blue tongue right now. What's your favorite "I can break my diet because I'm hangin' at the FAIR" food? Have you ever tried deep fried banana pudding on a stick? I saw a chicken that looked like he needed to attend some anger management sessions... AND I think it would be great fun to have a Ferris Wheel in my front pasture. Or the little tea-cups that go 'round and 'round and 'round...