Tuesday, August 21

A Hillbilly's Kitchen

There are some crazy people that can be found loitering on the internet that are absolutely priceless.

There are some crazy HILLBILLIES that can be found loitering on the internet that are absolutely priceless...

Have you met Kim before? She lives over at A Hillbilly's Life with her husband and kiddo's. I haven't met Kim yet... but I've been stalking her before I even started blogging...

I love my family, friends, junkin', pickin', craftin', and diggin'.

The first time I saw photos of Kim's house I reserved a spot and threatened to move in (and I still haven't changed my reservations or my plans...). yeeee HA!

She has HATED her kitchen for as long as I've been stalking her (almost 5 years!)... but now?

Who could not DROOL over her kitchen?! Here's what she has to say about it:

Do you know how much I spent to remodel it?!?!?  $650.00 TOTAL!!!!  Yep, I am one
penny pinching woman!  My dad offered the cabinets and the wood for the
shelves, my in laws gave me the sink, my dad had barn door hinges I welded
for the shelf brackets.  Most of the money went to the new window, plumbing
and electrical supplies, and paint/oil for the cabinets.  If anyone says
they can't make a beautiful kitchen on a tight budget they have never been
junkin' and repurposing before!!

Now when I move in to Kim's house and embrace my inner "hillbilly"...

I might reserve the kitchen instead of the entry-way.

One kitchen: $650.00
One really cool Hillbilly? PRICELESS

comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where can you hear the jokes now? A Hillbilly and a red.neck were making road-kill stew one time..