Saturday, March 2

ramblings of a crazy red.neck...

Where was I?
*hangs head in shame as I look at the date on my last post...*
In my defense - I've been making great things!!! And doing great things!!! And in the middle of that - haven't had much to say that you would find interesting!!!

i stole this from Jenn @ Give Me Props!

My last Soiree was INCREDIBLY great! April (the hostess), her family and her new home are GORGEOUS!!! It was such a joy to just park my duct tape and enjoy meeting new friends, chit-chatting with old friends and soaking up the fun!!! It all started with a squirrel thinking he was on the guest list and making his rounds through April's house...

i stole this photo from Jenn too... this is April's daughter - the BEST product model i've ever had!!! beautiful - chocolate covered strawberries and all!

and ended with Mama Debinator and THEE Kitty Cat Daddy comin' in to make sure Jenn, April, Lezlee (aka: Prior aka: Elsie Mae on Market) and I were behaving ourselves!!! Of course we weren't... and to be honest with you, Mama Debinator and Kitty Cat Daddy weren't either.

A couple of weeks after that, I showed my freckle-face in the Ft. Worth area and Jenn (my rep (*giggle* (yes... i still giggle when i say "rep"...))) took me to all kinds of FANTASTIC shops and stores!!! We tinkered around with checking in to red.neck "arriving" in various shops in various zip codes, but it turns out - I don't really fit in anywhere that we have found yet!!!

Heading home that night I had a bit of a complex... my style isn't shabby awesome, it's not rhinestones and big hair, it's not subtle timelessness, it's not hippy coolness or cowgirl/western laid-back... I'm just me. THEN I realized: I don't "fit" anywhere 'cause I'm almost ready for a shop of my own - and I'll know that my random style that is SEW ME will fit in just perfectly - and I can freely and with GREAT JOY work in all of the other styles that make life so fun - and there will be something for EVERYone!

Until "red.neck Chic" the general store throws her doors open, Jenn is lining up red.neck Chic Soiree appearances for me... my next is on the 15th with Kristi and Amy - watch out San Antonio!!! Luckily Jenn is ALSO keeping me in line and telling me where to be and when... a friend said it best, "you finally have someone that will focus for you while you just dance around in your crazy duct tape roll forgetting what day it is." If that wasn't true, I would probably be upset at that statement... but instead, I will just thank Jenn yet again 'cause there is no denying the fact that I usually can't remember my own name. :-/

What else, what else...

I've made some new pocketbooks - re.po'd and re.designed some new pearl-snaps, dishtowels, soaps, etc. etc. etc. You know me... I set one thing down and pick up 3 new things to make. *big grin*

a very big GIANT pink flower tree!

The "Taj Mahal" in The Hillsboro Antique Mall is going to get a major face-lift in a couple of weeks. I've been shopping my own barn, picking up things here 'n there, making MORE new things... fashion. home. life. is all fixing to collide in one big space... again. Oh wait... that's kind of an on-going thing, right?

I'm still harassin' Honey at Honey's Home + Style off and on. I've run in to some on-going health problems (no worries - it's nothing some duct tape, Wd-40 and time up on cinder-blocks can't fix right up!) so if I'm stayin' home instead of going to lust over beautiful things at Honey's store, it's with a big grin because I duck outside, run straight for the lab.or.a.tory and lock myself in!!! Let me tell you though: there's a post in "edit" right now waiting for me to take some pictures... Honey has swung me to the "fine linen" side of life. And, I'm not kidding, it was like SANTA came to visit me when she got new fabric samples in for her furniture! I sat and just touched them - and was kinda sad when I had to leave them! I know, I'm such a sick fabric hoarder! LOL!

In the meantime, I've sprinkled some random photos through this post because that's what I do... oh, and I also take photos of random stuff. LOL

this photo cracks me up... it looks like hairy bricks.

The man-child is winding up to slide in to graduation!

We're in the second semester of his SENIOR YEAR - good GRIEF when and how did that happen?!?! - and Prom, Senior trips and skip days, Senior stuff in general... graduation... AUGH! -  it's all being discussed in the single-wide.

A couple of weeks ago we had the Area Youth concert where he was first-chair trombone... then last week he had UIL Solo & Ensemble where he did so well he gets to advance to the State competition in 2 different ensembles! One with his trombone and one with his baritone!

hmmmm.... I think that just about sums up my last month! Laying low (check). Staying out of trouble (check) (okay... maybe a question mark...). Making fun things (check check check). Taking random photos through-out the United States (check). Gettin' ready for my next Soiree (check). Enjoying the man-child (check). Keeping my blog updated... uhmmm...

comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where I do miss you... and even if I don't say anything - I'm still cyber stalking you and your blog... just thought you should know that.

Would you like to host your own "Soiree"? Contact Jenn at Give Me Props... she'll hook you up and then I can come park my single-wide in your back yard! Yee HA! xo