Tuesday, June 9

Happy and Kreativ!

Happy Tuesday!!! I have been tagged AND awarded in the past month - Let me share with you!!!

I've been tagged... Ms Karyn (she has the most GORGEOUS blog – you should go visit her!) has tagged me to share 6 unimportant things that make me Happy! Happy! Happy!

1. My son laughing! It used to be that all out belly laugh, now that we are 14 it’s just a little snicker (plus the required smirk), but it still sends me away with a grin on my face!

2. Coffee in the morning…in the afternoon….in the evening…oh, to heck with it – COFFEE!!!

3. Happy music on the radio – doesn’t matter what kind!

4. I’ll admit it…this commercial sends me into hysterical laughter EVERY time I watch it…and I watch it repeatedly…

5. Happy pink weeds!

6. Sparkle! Doesn’t matter where it comes from, what it is – as long as it sparkles! (and is preferably around my neck, dangling from my ears, on my wrists, on my fingers…)…

And now I get to tag 6 blogs that I love to lurk at and they make me happy!!!!!! (You should go lurk there too – lots of happiness and fun to be had!!!)

Felicia (Fluffy Flowers)

Sue (Chic Cottage Junk)

Beyond The Picket Fence

Jill (Jill Ruth & Co)

Ann (Magpie Cottage)

And Midge (Junkermidge)!

I have so many more than 6 – check out my happy lurking spots listed on the sidelines!!!

Now - the award! Thank you to the wonderful and talented Midge (talk about KREATIV!!!)!!! Here are the terms and conditions...

The receiver of this award must do 4 things:
1.) List 7 things that you love
2.) Link back to the blog that awarded this to you
3.) Choose 7 blogs to pass the award on to
4.) Comment at each of those blogs to let them know you've given them an award

So here we go!

1. God – Family – Friends. (I’m sure you don’t want to read it again, so let me change this up a bit…)

2. I am enamored with… sparkly things! Doesn’t matter what or where a sparkly is – I love it!

3. I am enamored with… Shoes. Yummmmm….. Why is it that I have more shoes than clothes? Hmmmm….

4. I am enamored with… vintage dresses! A girl can’t have just one!!! (Can I have this one?)

5. I am enamored with… junk stores, junk piles, junk havens (I’ve even been spotted climbing out of dumpsters…)

6. I am enamored with… footstools and ottomans! (Keep your eyes open, there is more to come on THAT subject!)

7. I am enamored with… design/decor books (or a blog!) full of pictures of pretty rooms – it’s true love…

Now let’s see what tickles YOUR fancy – hat’s off to my fellow bloggers:








That's it for today!!! Please excuse my font selections (or would it be non-selections?) ! I have no idea what my computer is doing! Maybe a red.neck shouldn't be so hi-tech? haha!!! Happy junkin' and be sure to come back so you can put your feet up (yeah, you're gonna have to wait to see what THAT is about!!!)!

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...

:-) robelyn