Friday, December 11


 After my hours and hours at the Sewing Machine Hospital your very own red.neck was melancholy; dejected, depressed, despondent and feeling dispirited, downcast, downhearted, heartsick, inconsolable; careworn, sad, unhappy, woebegone; bawling, crying, groaning, howling, keening, moaning, yammering; bleeding, suffering; black, bleak, cheerless, comfortless, dark, darkening, desolate, dismal, dreary, funereal, gloomy, glum, gray (also grey), joyless, low, miserable, moody, morbid, morose, pathetic, pessimistic, piteous, saturnine, somber (or sombre), sullen and wretched...

I walk in to my bare, blank, devoid, stark, void, barren, hollow, available, clear, free, open; unfilled, unfurnished (by a sewing machine); unattended, uninhabited, unoccupied; abandoned, deserted, emptied, forsaken, vacated; depleted, drained and lacking in machinery laboooooooooooratory......

to find THIS laid out on my new most awesomest chair ever!!! Duct Tape to cheer me up?  You betcha!!!  And THEN!!!  I open it up...

And there sits my very own Santy Claus!!!  Mine!  For me!!! And so... I felt some instant Christmas Cheer and some...

MerryMint!!!  Guess who sent me some of my very own "merrymint" on the bluest of darkest of dimmest of sewing machine days (and she couldn't have timed it ANY better)?

THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Lovely Anne!!!  Thank You Anne - from the bottom of my red.neck frown to the tippy top of my red.neck smile!!!

You took my frown and turned it UP.SIDE.DOWN.  (yeah, I know that was sew bad...)

Speakin' of - day TWO of the sewing machine dilemnas.....
I have three machines...yes, all three of them were down.  I don't THINK I'm hard on machines... but I guess I shouldn't go a-thinkin' huh?  LOL  In my defense, one of them was for parts only... (and I have a fourth stashed - it just holds too many threads and looks very intimidating.  seriously. it looks at me and I run for cover under the first duct tape roll I find.)  I have the "workhorse" up and goin' thanks to the great "Dr. D." the singer GURU (I think he even has a stethoscope of some sort....) -  but alas, I am mourning the temporary loss of my Montgomery Ward 1950's / 60's machine(s) until I find a really good machinist - or ANOTHER "parts only" machine.  Please observe a moment of silence with me...

All of you had such wonderful ideas on how to keep myself busy!!!  Thank You sew much!  I can't wait to show you what I ended up doing (besides looking through the Thesaurus...HA!)!  It involved a drill, some springs, some Merriment, wuz wishin' for some of Mindy's nog, a hammer and....

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-) Robelyn

Thank You Anne!!! Oh, and I should also mention...I wasn't really groaning, howling, keening, moaning, yammering and/or bleeding... it just sounded like it fit the whole situation...LOLOL