Saturday, December 12


With Christmas right around the corner (please don't tell me how many days... my "to make" list is still long and mighty and I'm in denial. Leave me there.) we are all doin' maybe just a little bit of scramblin' around to find that PURRRRFECT something for that PURRRRRFECT someone! Well - do you have that PURRRRRFECT photographer that you need something for?  Here's an idea for you!!!

Take an old camera of your choosing, (I chose this one at Troy and Rod's sale last month) whip your drill out of it's holster and get to drillin' two holes on the top...make sure and have a small bit AND - safety tip - place a small piece of tape (I of course used duct tape...) where you are going to drill your two holes so that your bit doesn't wander aimlessly along the top of the camera!  (This does me... I tip my hat to the makers of band aids.)

Next (after you have applied bandaid to open wound (mine has Scooby Doo on it)) grab some rusty wire and wrap it a few times around a small bottle, marker... pretty much anything... 'til you get as many "photo loops" as you want!  I don't know if "photo loops" is an actual term - but it seems to hold in this conversation so I'm wrappin' with it.

When you're done "photo loopin", trim the ends of wire and poke it in your drilled holes, stick a photo in - VOILA!  You can say you're the big CHEEEEEEEEESE of photo holder makin'! *snicker* Isn't the picture classic?  That's the grin I get when I'm all angelic and stuff... like when I'm pulling something way cool out of a dumpster....

And - if THAT doesn't work for you because you don't have a camera layin' around (and time on your hands due to sewing machine malfunction) you can grab a candleholder and a spring...

I had this brass candle holder layin' around, shot it with some white spray paint (luuuuuuuuv that stuff!!!), threaded a spring on it (after I cut the concrete piece off - I think the spring was something for industrial lighting?) and VOILA!

Yet ANOTHER photo holder!!!  This is good if you are like me and not allowed to play with fire. I think these would be super fun as place settings on your Christmas table!  Dig up some old family photos of each person attending your grand PAR-TAY, paint up some candle holders and place on your salad plate (or charger if doing a buffet) - add a spring and some greenery, snow...beads, ribbons...endless ENDLESS options! What a wonderful way to share your Christmas memories (and not start a fire...that happens - I'm just sayin'.)!

I'm happy to report that my Christmas shopping list got a little bit of a jump start this morning... luckily for me the ReStore, a couple of garage sales and a few thrift stores yielded Christmas treasures PERFECT for the gifts I still have yet to make (denial...leave me there!)... and a few treasures that are the perfect gifts all on their own!   And Etsy has certainly contributed to shortening my list... have you shopped there yet for the "hard to buy" for? Euwwwwwww La La - there are some talented artists out in this big world! The Resident Teen? The "taller than me" cutie pie (who's still my baby but HE'S in denial on THAT one) has requested electronics that leave me scratching my head and looking really "not smart" in the game and electronic stores - I will probably be the last minute mother... I'm going to have to find somebody technical to go in THOSE PLACES for me just so I don't get laughed at by the teenagers who own the video game and electronic stores.  LOLOLOL Whatcha' know about Ipods, Wii System games and... I don't even know how to pronounce the other things?

How's your Christmas shopping and/or gift making going?

Have a Happy Week-End!!!
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-) Robelyn