Monday, October 4

set-up day...

It was hot.

And humid. That's it.

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...

Okay - yeah - you know better than THAT!  I have to write short novels on Warrenton and Zapp for the next week!!!

Set-up day!!!  It was so fun!  I rolled my duct tape on in to the cow pasture in Warrenton - just in time to greet "the Mindy" and "the David"...

and we got to WORK!!!  It was incredible to watch the tent transform in to "The Primitique" meets "red.neck Chic" right before my eyes:

The coolest of rusty, chippy treasures were brought forth from the bulldog and I was THRILLED to watch "the Mindy" and David work their displayin' magic!!!


and a 20' x 20' grassy tented area became a magical place of rusty - chippy - quirky vintage goodness!!!

Except... I have to tell you something.  ALL.
LONG. I kept peeking around the corner (I think "the Mindy" caught me a few times...).  Why?

'Cause MALisa was on her way! And I could NOT wait for her to get there! I met MALisa and Lurch in December of last year - and have driven her crazy ever since - and I was SOOO lucky to be next to MALisa and her posse for a whole week (plus a few days!)!!!  You know how you meet someone and then YOU know that they won't be able to escape your duct tape roll (no matter how hard they try?)... Well... just a tape up MALisa - you have been officially duct taped and there ain't no escapin' it.

This is Lurch (he gives the GREATEST of hugs and helps me concoct all kinds of dubious and slightly mischievous plans!!!)

And then - there is Rhonda.  Fric and Frac... Lucy and Ethel... Trouble and Double Trouble... THAT is MALisa and Rhonda together - need I say more?! Just look at those faces!!! Rhonda is a post all to herself... I just have to have her write it 'cause well... that's what she does (and she'll make you laugh 'cause she's a comedian too. LOL)!

And this was just on set-up day...

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide (where I'm beggin' you to stay with me... I'm editing photos as fast as I can!!!)... hee-hee