Toooooooooo Poetry. Texas that Is. East of Dallas.
(oops, wrong song...sorry 'bout that.)
On the 5th Day of
I hung out with Minnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
I laughed with David and I hung out with Minnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
I got a big fat jar, I laughed with David and I hung out with Minnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
I met Mindy's Mom and Kelly, I got a big fat jar, I laughed with David and I hung out with Minnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
I saw the coolest stuff ever, I met Mindy's Mom and Kelly, I got a big fat jar, I laughed with David and I hung out with Minnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
I met MALisa, I saw the coolest stuff ever, I met Mindy's Mom and Kelly, I got a big fat jar, I laughed with David and I hung out with Minnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
I drug home the most awesomest chair, I met MALisa, I saw the coolest stuff ever, I met Mindy's Mom and Kelly, I got a big fat jar, I laughed with David and I hung out with Minnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
I tried to rustle up some feed store animals, I drug home the most awesomest chair, I met MALisa, I saw the coolest stuff ever, I met Mindy's Mom and Kelly, I got a big fat jar, I laughed with David and I hung out with Minnnnndy.
WHEW! I gots to sit down for a second...oh! It could be 'cause...
I drank some of Mindy's eggnog, then tried to rustle up some feed store animals, drug home the most awesomest chair, met MALisa, saw the COOLEST stuff ever, Mom and Kelly, fat jar - laughed AT David AND with him and I hung out with Minnnnnnnnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
We left Poetry and went to Terrell, not before I drank some of Mindy's egg *hiccup* nog, then tried to rustle up some feed store animals, most awesomest chair, MALisa, cool stuff, Mom and Kelly, fat jar - laughed AT David AND with him and I hung out with Minnnnnnnnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
Mindy took me to Jrne, but not before the eggnog *hiccup*, rustlin' of feed store animals, luvin' the chair, MALisa, cool stuff, Mom and Kelly, fat jar - David's a riot and I hung out with Minnnnnnnnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
I met Mayron when Mindy took me to Jrne (Mayron and Jrne need to be added to your "must go see immediately list" for sure!!!), but not before *hiccup* the eggnog, rustlin' of feed store animals, luvin' the chair, MALisa, cool stuff, Mom and Kelly, fat jar - David's a riot and I hung out with Minnnnnnnnnnndy.
On the 5th Day of
I hung out with Minnnnndy (can we do that again soon S'il vous plait?)...............I met Mayron when Mindy took me to Jrne (Mayron and Jrne need to be added to your "must go see immediately list" for sure!!!), but not before the eggnog, *hiccup* rustlin' of feed store animals, luvin' the chair, MALisa, cool stuff, Mom and Kelly, fat jar - David's a riot (and he takes GREAT photos - go visit him!) and I hung out with Minnnnnnnnnnndy who is a BLAST and SEW much fun!!!
hee-hee That's All Folks! No really... I'm curtsian' and grinnin' at you and you and you!... but I've lost my voice after beltin' out these chords for ya while standing *hiccup* on my most awesomest chair and my arms are a lil' tired from hangin'... I'm gonna get down now before the eggnog kicks in...
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-) Robelyn