Tuesday, February 1


versatility matters. (especially when it comes to billy goats.  and steam boats.)

For Example:

Same new pattern design - slightly bi-polar designer at work. A verrrrrrry versatile pattern.

Let me introduce you tooooooooooooo:

'Cause the hobo bag is always en vogue...
(She will be available in my Etsy store faster than you can count the number of fringes I added to the black one... vroom vroom)

Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide (where I'm wondering...are you as addicted to Facebook as I am? Is there a Facebook Anonymous group anywhere? I think I need to go there... now. Right Now.) hee-hee

P.S. Don't forget to put your name on the giveaway wanted poster! The countdown is on... the hours are tickin' away... the tailgate is gettin' loaded...
It's SOON time to watch the golf players slam dunk the bowling team at the chinese checker playoffs...