Athletic Shoes (sneakers) - Climbing Shoes - Clogs - Instruments of Great Torture - High Heels (Platform or Stiletto) - Kitten Heels - Moccasins - Mules - Penny Loafers - Why Do We Have To Wear Shoes? - Pointe Shoes - Skate Shoes - Boots - Snowshoes - Tap Shoes - Training Shoes - There are ALL kinds of shoes in the world and what did I choose to wear at the debut of red.neck Chic's (she-k) spring/summer line?
Yep - you guessed it...instruments of torture. I thought: "3 hour show, these shoes will work GREAT (and they are SO stinkin' cute - vintage floral embroidery - yum!)" so off I go in my wedge heels - dressed up to the 9's (red.neck style of course!)...
Now I am the poster child for what NOT to wear at trade shows. LOL I could barely walk by the end the evening!!! And it was a SHORT evening (although successful - and the rest of my outfit was perfect!!!) I am now doing my research on footwear (aka: necessary evil, torture, who the heck said we had to wear shoes?) for any and all future red.neck Chic (she-k) shows. I will share with you what I have found!!!
Keds has a great selection - and did you know that you can design your own?!!? They don't have any duct tape ones.....yet....
These are ADORABLE and you can't beat Happy Daisies!!! Hand painted and SO much fun! (Go check out her Etsy store - it is fun fun!!!)
'til the next time - Have a great week-end - Happy Junkin' and remember: shoes are instruments of torture, but a necessary evil - so wear comfortable ones!!!
Okay - so here is my story - and I'm stickin' to it! (kinda like duct tape....)Spring was in the air - flowers blooming, green on the trees, fresh air (this is Texas - humidity is a given...) the house was clean was being the operative word there, windows thrown open, sun shining, birds chirping and chatteringyelling at the overly obese cat I'm sure...
And there was me. Cleaning and organizing, dusting off winter and re-decorating for the Spring - received the post cards for the first show red.neck Chic is in this year - getting SEW excited to introduce the red.neck Chic Spring and Summer lines to the masses (what masses I don't know, but I'm sure there are some waitin' for their share of duct tape!)
"Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world." ~Virgil A. Kraft
It was all somethin' to behold! And then - here comes the rain...
We have been needing rain, I will not argue that point - but why did the rain have to come with 30 degree temps?
It's March! In Texas! Oh wait, that could explain that. If you don't like the weather here, wait a few minutes!!! So we go from sunny skies and 80 degrees to today...high of 38 and rain - and more rain - and more rain. I needed some inspiration once more!!!Here is what I found!!! Vintage linens - re-purposed and up-cycled into fantastic totes! Can you not see yourself grabbin' one of these up and makin' your junk store rounds? Or what about that flea market you are heading too? Farmers market, flower market, your local grocery store - the big tractor pull? OH! I know... the drag races!!! :-)
These are just GORGEOUS bags made out of vintage pillow cases - and her store is so aptly named "sugar sugar" DELICIOUS!!! And her blog...just get ready 'cause you are going to be staying there for awhile...
And here is one from a vintage table cloth - all trimmed out with vintage lace and some added bling! (The bling isn't vintage - but isn't it pretty!) It stems from sunny days and fresh air...
And this is a BEAUTY!!! It makes me let loose the girly sigh... better still - it is from a GREAT Etsy store "Fluffy Flowers" and her tag line is - ready for this? "something to make you Smile" - my cheeks hurt!!! She also has a fun AND inspiring blog - go check her out!!!
And last but not least...
3 beauties!!! All vintage linens...can't get much more Spring/Summer than these gorgeous ladies! Again, another wonderful Etsy shop - Sally Rags!
Well, with my inspiration back (I have an umbrella so the rain can't wash it away!!!) I am off to the girl cave - watch out fabric stash - here I come!!! Be sure and drop me a line and tell me where YOU would carry your tote that is all dressed up for spring and summer!!!
Have a great week-end - Happy Junkin' - and did you know that red.neck's don't melt in the rain?
WOW!!! It's my first award!!! Thank You Thank You Cindy!!! (you have to go check our her blog - it is so fun!!!)
Now I have to list 5 things that I am addicted to...wait, this could be SO hard - there are more than 5!!! And then - mercy me - I have to pick 5 blogs that I love! (why 5? this is bad....I have WAY more than 5...)
Okay, here goes - drum roll please!!!
#1. I am addicted to watching my son grow...He is the very reason that I am who I am. He inspires in me several things...Love and tenderness, awe and admiration for who and what he is, and respect for the man he will become.
#2. Sundays naps.
#3. Junk stores...need I elaborate on that one?
#4. Four legged furry things - I can't resist them. And they seem to follow me home. Absolutely un-explainable.
#5. Coffee...any kind of coffee.... all kinds of coffee... not even the expensive kind of coffee... just give me some coffee and all will be well.
Now, blogs...oh, my list is long - but here are some of my favorites!
#1. Margo - now THAT is some great stuff!!! She is so creative!!!
#2. Ann - I have plans for a trip to Indiana so I can get lost in her store!!! It's only a little ways...heehee
Let me start off by saying - HAPPY FRIDAY!!! (Can you tell I'm ready to hit the week-end running hard - scissors and sewing needle in hand? LOL) This week has had me thinking about Spring: Spring colors, Spring cleaning, Bed Springs and what can be made from them, Springing Forward, Spring loaded....What? My mind is spring loaded! Sometimes it's a broken spring, but still!
As "red.neck Chic" is heading into the Spring season, I have been thinking about our branding, packaging and presentation...we have it all down pat, but it is always fun to see and think new things - and there is always room for improvement and a lil' somethin' extra!!!
"Branding is one of the most important factors influencing an item's success or failure in today's marketplace. A brand is the combination of name, words, symbols or design that identifies the product and its company and differentiates it from competition. Branded items are more recognizable and memorable."
I ADORE getting something that I have ordered in the mail from Etsy's always like Christmas (after I have stalked the postman and made him hand over my package)! I grab the box or envelope, set it on the table and very carefully remove the packaging tape, very reverently open the box and voila'! Pretty paper, pretty ribbon - business card, thank you note - it is all there and so delightful that I almost forget to grab the item I ordered! It is something that I will always remember the next time I go to purchase - often times I am a repeat customer! That's the response that I wish to get when a "red.neck Chic" fun thing gets a new home!!! I also want someone to see one of our shopping bags, gift wrapping, business card and product and know immediately that it is a "red.neck Chic" item! "Branding...more recognizable and memorable"
Let's look at Kate Spade for a minute...if you are a purse fanatic (as I am...she is my hero!!!) she has all of her items branded! Her boxes, shopping bags, purses - everything! It's great! My Mom got me a set of her demitasse cups and saucers a couple of Christmases ago...I have the box sitting in my bedroom so I can look at it! I think I keep it dusted more than I do my china cabinet...and the lil' cups and saucers are gorgeous! Bright and happy and fun! Where was I going with this? Oh! You ALWAYS know her stuff is theeeeeeeeee "kate spade". Her packaging, coloring, style - it is all the same throughout - all perfectly "branded". Oh, and it's all great. LOL Lucky girl that got this bag as a gift (hint hint - I will take mine in pink please)!!!
As for the packaging and wrapping...yummmmmm.....I have found some inspiring "creations" on the internet! Let me share some with you!
I would be in girly - frilly - sparkly thing heaven to open a box and behold the beauty of my purchase all wrapped up in vintage wall-paper, pretty ribbons and silky flowers...(blissful dreamy sigh goes here)...I am thinking I need to purchase from onehundredwishes just so I can look at her beautiful wrapping!!!
Martha always has great ideas - a brown lunch bag can go far...very far...
I am a sucker for letterpress items...doesn't matter what it is, so to me the top packaging is inspiring to say the least!!! (You might want to watch your calender when I come 'round...) And what girl in her right mind would have a problem opening up this "gem" of a box - who cares what's inside!!!
With all of this being said (yeah, I know I'm a lil' long winded today!) I am now going to "tweak" some of our packaging! Since "red.neck Chic" is all about "going green' - "upcycling" and "recycling" think of the fun I can have with ribbons, flowers, bags - and yep, you guessed it - duct tape!!! haha!
Here is a great article that I found today on Etsy - I have to say it set off a whole NEW list of ideas!!!
Have a great week-end - Happy Junkin' - and let the packaging and shipping begin!!!
I have changed my business name! It's still ME, but I am now known as "maud elizabeth"!
red.neck COOL. trailer-park FABULOUS. country CHIC. blue-collar VOGUE. whatever you choose to call it, it is HIP, SOPHISTICATED…incredibly FUN and extremely UNIQUE! as a guest and potential "red.neck" you are invited to browse my home page, view my projects, post comments and access the red.neck archives. have some fun!