And have you read THIS?!!?(You HAVE to go visit the oh-so-chivalrous and witty Mr. Flannery, he's so much fun!)
Well................................................................... let me share a recipe with you...................
One Part Hogs and Roses...(And his couch!!!)
A gun. (nope, no hand-gun license're a red.neck, remember?!!?)
A weeeeeeeeeeeee bit o' bling...

A weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit more o' BLING... (you can NEVER have too much bling - EVER.)

One part of yet ANOTHER couch destined for the trash heap...
One belt...
One suede skirt (can you tell there isn't much safe from me? Not ONLY do you have to watch out for your furnishings, but you should probably guard your closet as well...) And did I mention? That skirt is now 10" of suede fringe...eeeuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwww la la!
Mix it ALL together (with lots of details...I'm a sucka for the details...)
And you get a "pearl.e" bag... a red.neck Chic original! This "pearl.e"'s nickname is "When Pigs Fly!" She is the first in a limited quantity (the 2 couches can only go so far...) designer series - the queen of the hog pen (well, the cow pen too since she has donned her fair share of hide...) the tiara wearin' pig of all pigs, she is the poster child pig for...
ready for this?
"Hogerific" by Mr. Flannery! (To quote him, it has a certain "snort" to it, right? hahaha *snort* hahaha) My FIRST handbag line featuring........well.......couches.
AND! Guess what?!!? It can be yours!!! With Thanksgiving RIGHT around the corner (uh huh, I said it!), why not start the season off by giving?! I eat Turkeys at Thanksgiving, not Pigs - right? So by my calculations Ms. Pearl.e the Pig should be perfectly safe! *snort*
Just let me know you stopped by and I will throw your name in the pen! The drawing will be on Thursday, November 5th! Post about the giveaway on YOUR blog - let me know - and I'll throw your name in the slop pail 2 extra times!
Oh, I hope it will be you - this Hog is truly "Hogerific"! (I send myself into giggles every time I say that...hogerific, hogerific...*snort* giggle *snort*) And she is beeeeeeutiful!!! I can't wait for you to see her in person!!!
Have a good one - talk to you soon!!! And...are you using that couch? your jacket? skirt? how about your belt? *snort*
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...hee-hee
;-) Robelyn