I have a quilt top.
It's been sitting around for a few months (I had decided to perhaps... make a skirt out of it?).
When I remembered I had an ottoman in need of some TLC.
Sew... Insanely large quilt top + really cool ottoman = funky she.k as only a red.neck can get 'er dun.
This is one of the things I drug in to the Taj Mahal Sunday (after the slurpee of course...). I am currently on a quest to see just how many thingys I can make out of the REST of the quilt top 'cause I didn't even make a teeny tiny DENT in it!!!
The suggestion box is now open. What should I make out of more of the quilt top? Hmmm.....
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide (where I can't wait to show you what Margo inspired!!!) hee-hee