I am holding Karyn responsible for my obsession with melting things... organza, silk, taffeta - interesting looking fabrics... I'm melting it all. LOL (Yes, I have permission from the Fire Department, a fire extinguisher in my labooooooooratory and a glass of water for dropping flaming flowers in - thank you for your concern.) Why am I melting these things you ask? Well... Karyn made the mistake of introducing me to Organza flowers...
Throw Pillows
Brooches for future handbags (or my coat lapel - whichever comes first!)
They are perfect on anything and EVERYTHING!!! I know this for a fact... I have added them to everything that comes within 20' of me. LOL Even my slippers.
See? Who says your feet can't stay warm and toasty while looking WAY cute? And I'm providing mobile toys for the fattest cat that ever lived. I'm multi-tasking. For Christmas I made a few scarves for family and friends and these flowers made the perfect "accessory"!!!

As if I would show you a scarf I made... I am sew NOT a chrochet-ist. Luckily for me the flower took away from many messed up interesting stitches. I have since dropped the crochet hook... it just doesn't have the power behind it that my machinery does. LOL
I loosely followed Kim's directions - she appealed to me for several reasons:
a. "calamity" is in her name (and could possibly be my middle name!)
b. she is a self professed pyromaniac (SEW me!)
c. she gives safety tips... such as:
"Please be advised that this is stinky and should be done in a well ventilated area. It also can be dangerous and should be supervised by adults or firemen due to sudden bursts of flaming tulle melting the skin from your hands or singeing the drapes! I am not liable or responsible for any damages to you or your home or trailer park! Please create these flowers at your own risk!"
ANYBODY that knows me this well needs to be somebody I follow around. LOL
Sew - go forth and burn some fabric - I have faith in you (and your local fire department)!!! Whatcha' gonna make?
Comin' to you LIVE from a fire-free single-wide... hee-hee
;-) robelyn
Etsy must-sees for organza flowers:
vivid colors, haticenevin, petalpushers3, honey'ddesigns, nezjewelry, and karyn's new etsy shop!
Sew - go forth and burn some fabric - I have faith in you (and your local fire department)!!! Whatcha' gonna make?
Comin' to you LIVE from a fire-free single-wide... hee-hee
;-) robelyn
Etsy must-sees for organza flowers:
vivid colors, haticenevin, petalpushers3, honey'ddesigns, nezjewelry, and karyn's new etsy shop!