I'm sitting here laughing to myself 'cause I read some blogs here and there and they are SO engaging and entertaining and funny... and the blogger is talking of nothing other than their trip to Wal Mart or somewhere like that...
and I think, "Robelyn... you lead a dull life. You need to go to Wal Mart or somethin'" (see? dull. Wal-Mart? really? I could at least step it up with a trip to Tractor Supply --- something!)
and... never mind the flames that happened in the "la.bor.a.tor.y" this morning (we're down one pocketbook as of 6:17am on Wednesday, September 15th... may it's ash's rest in pieces) due to an iron, a piece of cotton and a psychotic iron operator... ).
See? Dull and uneventful.
So I got some happy daisies to smile at...
'cause the art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things - and I am happy.
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide (where I'm smackin' myself in the forehead 'cause it's not even 11am yet... and I need a new fire-putter-outer (I should go to Wal-Mart for a new one!!!) but that's just between us... don't tell anybody, m'kay?) hee-hee