Wednesday, June 27


I was babbling (that happens) the other night and it came out of my mouth:

"red.neck Chic - the blog - has four years of me. Some silliness - some seriousness - all me."

FOUR YEARS!!! Seems like it was only yesterday!

Do you realize all of the adventures you have been on with me? The jail-cell tales I've told... the man-child we've raised... the road trips we've taken... the shows we've done... the things we've made... the things we've THOUGHT about making... the times I've burned my kitchen down (I'm so glad you always bring a fire extinguisher)... the animals that have arrived and not left... the New Year resolutions each year... the couch we made re-live the chainsaw massacre...

The "resident teen" started DRIVING with you along for the ride... and I can't believe I let him drive after confessing to my dirty little "I stole a car" secret... I still don't think he knows... I don't think.

I've buried sewing machines - you were along as my accomplice... Heck - I've hauled a woman around on top of my car... then murdered her. You were there.

We've discussed my Grandparents - a couple of times - at Christmas and at the Port-a-Potty (No... it wasn't Christmas IN the port-a-potty... though stranger things happen in my neighborhood...)...

You spent time with Grampy on Veteran's Day and time with Grammy on our birthday...

You've been to "the Mama's" house (remember running from her? HAHAHA) countless times - my favorite is when you came at Christmas! And the tea party's she's hostessed for us... there's one more I haven't shown you yet! Remember when my older brother stole her car right in front of her?

I took a deep breath and introduced you to ALL of the crazies I'm related to my red.neck family!

Let's see... I've been jobless and am now building my "mercantile" in The Hillsboro Antique Mall... you've been watching me from the very beginning there... remember when I erected the "Taj Mahal"? It's still there... just a lot bigger.

We've been to the NASCAR races and we watched the soccer team win the Superbowl... we've even eaten pickles together at High School Football games!

You've watched me shift and change... learn how to use a camera... grow and then grow some more... you've listened to me rant - you've listened to me rave... you've listened to me crack up at nothing at all - and everything at once. You've watched me meet new friends, welcome some old friends - adopt new family members.

Sickness and health, mischief and mayhem, laughter and tears... ho-hum days and CRAZY days... sewing thread and spray paint cans... we've been in it together.


comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide where I'm thinking... 4 MORE years of complete insanity and THAT many more rolls of duct tape are comin' right up... are you ready?