If I had to choose one country to go loiter in, it would be Ireland. I WILL go to Ireland before my duct tape roll runs out.
So... when needing some Paris inspiration - I struggled!
Until I found Sharzad Photography.
I think that this has to be one of my favorite photo blogs that I've tripped over in the past month.
I like seeing Paris through her eyes... "the girl with the camera".
Now I would be okay with stopping in Paris on my way back from Ireland.
And when I go through Paris I would carry...
Christine dubbed her "Senora Fran.cis" and Mama Debinator's "goes to the Eiffel Tire"... spoken in Cat Daddynese... hit the right note 'cause you gotta have that lil' bit o' red.neck in Paris!
Thank you to EVERY ONE of you crazy red.necks who threw suggestions in the duct tape roll... I've been SEW busy - be sure and stay tuned for more "wanted" opportunities... which really means - I'm gonna need your help in the name department. :oD