Friday, March 26
What's Under Your Skirt?
Your BED SKIRT!!! Geesh!
Wanna know what's under mine?
No way... that's top secret, under government protection, I don't know for sure myself, classified information! As a matter of fact - it's SEW top secret I took the skirt outside (see the pretty flowers? they grow themselves...)to protect the innocent. Witness protection? Perhaps.
But - I do know this...
bed skirts (or is dust ruffles?) make the most DEEEEEEEE-licious handbags!!!
Spring? Or... just in time for Zapp!!! Come see my bed skirt yerself at Theeee Mindy's tent in Warrenton! Here's a map for you:
Come on and join me... the greatest of the greatest are there (Mindy, Debbie (the Trash Talkin' Diva!), Anne, Theresa (and Angelique and Misty and Adrienne!)... just to name a FEW!!!) and I'm on my way!!! I sure do hope to see you there!!!
And please do tell - is it a dust ruffle or a bed skirt?
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...hee-hee
;-) robelyn
Wednesday, March 24
Wardrobe Malfunction
The blog party is almost here!!! Doesn't everyone love a good party?! What's a red.neck girl to WEAR?!!? I have clothes strung out ALL OVER (okay - you caught me... yes, it could potentially be my un-folded laundry...) the single-wide trying to decide!!! What to do what to do...
Oh! I know! I will thumb through the album that The Mindy gave me! Lookin' for some inspiration? I've got it for you... hee-hee
So... are you feeling inspired now? If not - I've got more to wet your fashion whistle. LOLOL
And... will I see you at Theresa's Blog Party? Do you know about it? If not, here are all of the fun details!!! I think it's a "you don't want to miss this!" part-ay fer sure!!! Besides... you have to come see what decade of clothing I choose to show up in...
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...hee-hee
;-) robelyn
Thank You Mindy!!!
Oh! I know! I will thumb through the album that The Mindy gave me! Lookin' for some inspiration? I've got it for you... hee-hee
So... are you feeling inspired now? If not - I've got more to wet your fashion whistle. LOLOL
And... will I see you at Theresa's Blog Party? Do you know about it? If not, here are all of the fun details!!! I think it's a "you don't want to miss this!" part-ay fer sure!!! Besides... you have to come see what decade of clothing I choose to show up in...
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...hee-hee
;-) robelyn
Thank You Mindy!!!
Monday, March 22
HOGerific Feed Sack Fun!!!
Hi!!! How was your week-end? Mine was spent...
(get ready for this)
SHIVERING in the cold, cold, COLD - then playing in the SNOW on Sunday (I went to raid Mindy... I can't WAIT for you to see all of the fun she has in store for YOU!!!)!
SNOW!!! In Texas... on the first official full day of Spring... in Texas!!! Craziness I tell ya! It had been in the 70's on Friday afternoon (you know... when I posted about Spring and all?)... Saturday morning I woke up just to don my snow suit. And some thermals... and another snow suit... and some ear muffs... and some more thermals. It's like I live in Minnesota or something.
Speaking of! Do you remember the "HOGerific" line of bags? And how Mr. Flannery spoils me rotten by sending me the good stuff? Well... guess what! I'm taking him with me to Zapp! You HAVE to have at least a little HOGerific fun at each red.neck appearance! Wanna see?
I have to show you now... the girls have a habit of flocking towards Mr. Flannery and wranglin' him up before the "HOGerific" photo op!!! It happened in Ft. Worth - I'm not taking any chances at Zapp!
Feed Sacks are SEW fun!!! I've seen them made up in to pillows, table runners, curtain panels... even handbags! Of course, none of the other handbags are red.neck Chic complete with duct tape and some HOGerfic fun - with a twist of Mindy !!! Sew - this handbag will be...
"the hogs have been let loose in primitiques - quick - get the duct tape!"
How's THAT for a name? heeeeeeeeee haw!
Have your plans been made to come shop at Primitiques with theeee Mindy? If not... what are you waiting for? Cool stuff - funky stuff - down right one-of-a-kind stuff... and a handbag too! Hook up your trailer and come visit... I promise, it will be worth your trip - and I'll even share my duct tape with you!!!
Comin' to you LIVE (where I didn't know my machine could sew that fast!) from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-) Robelyn
(get ready for this)
SHIVERING in the cold, cold, COLD - then playing in the SNOW on Sunday (I went to raid Mindy... I can't WAIT for you to see all of the fun she has in store for YOU!!!)!
SNOW!!! In Texas... on the first official full day of Spring... in Texas!!! Craziness I tell ya! It had been in the 70's on Friday afternoon (you know... when I posted about Spring and all?)... Saturday morning I woke up just to don my snow suit. And some thermals... and another snow suit... and some ear muffs... and some more thermals. It's like I live in Minnesota or something.
Speaking of! Do you remember the "HOGerific" line of bags? And how Mr. Flannery spoils me rotten by sending me the good stuff? Well... guess what! I'm taking him with me to Zapp! You HAVE to have at least a little HOGerific fun at each red.neck appearance! Wanna see?
I have to show you now... the girls have a habit of flocking towards Mr. Flannery and wranglin' him up before the "HOGerific" photo op!!! It happened in Ft. Worth - I'm not taking any chances at Zapp!
Feed Sacks are SEW fun!!! I've seen them made up in to pillows, table runners, curtain panels... even handbags! Of course, none of the other handbags are red.neck Chic complete with duct tape and some HOGerfic fun - with a twist of Mindy !!! Sew - this handbag will be...
"the hogs have been let loose in primitiques - quick - get the duct tape!"
How's THAT for a name? heeeeeeeeee haw!
Have your plans been made to come shop at Primitiques with theeee Mindy? If not... what are you waiting for? Cool stuff - funky stuff - down right one-of-a-kind stuff... and a handbag too! Hook up your trailer and come visit... I promise, it will be worth your trip - and I'll even share my duct tape with you!!!
Comin' to you LIVE (where I didn't know my machine could sew that fast!) from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-) Robelyn
Friday, March 19
The Smell of Spring
Early morning's bright sun shine
It seems a bit different today
Open the window
hear the seagulls
spring is finally here
Feel the warm breath of wind
caressing my face in the light
Fill my lungs and taste the air
spring is finally here
After the winter sleep
after the darkness so deep
people gathering to the streets
to welcome the first spring day
Welcome the first spring day
farewell to winter's shades of grey
a toast with few words to say
to welcome the first spring day
Smell the ocean from a distance
I can picture the shimmering white sand
Ice and snow are barely melting
spring is finally here!
It seems a bit different today
Open the window
hear the seagulls
spring is finally here
Feel the warm breath of wind
caressing my face in the light
Fill my lungs and taste the air
spring is finally here
After the winter sleep
after the darkness so deep
people gathering to the streets
to welcome the first spring day
Welcome the first spring day
farewell to winter's shades of grey
a toast with few words to say
to welcome the first spring day
Smell the ocean from a distance
I can picture the shimmering white sand
Ice and snow are barely melting
spring is finally here!
I am going to be listening to the "vroom" of my sewing machine this week-end! I'm on the ball and gettin' ready to raid Mindy's camp at Zapp! Wanna see the "primitiques meets red.neck" bags I've been workin' on?
Oh yeah... you have to come see me at Zapp! Why do I keep forgetting that? :-D (that's my mischievous cheezy grin...)
What are you going to be doing on the first day of Spring?
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...hee-hee
;-) robelyn
Tuesday, March 16
And it begins...
Just can't wait to get on the road again.
The life I love is selling cool stuff with my friends...
(and fav.o.rite photographer...)
Goin' places that I've never been. (Well... except for last year when I was at this show...)
Seein' things that I may never see again
And I can't wait to get on the road again.
On the road again -
Like a band
of gypsies we go down the highway
We're the best of friends.
Insisting that the world keep turning our way
And our way
is on the road again.Just can't wait to get on the road again.

(I could barely get in the booth through-out the show... isn't that FUN!!!)
The life I love is sellin' cool stuff with my friends...
(and fav.o.rite photographer...)
And I can't wait to get on the road again.
Geesh... Willie's songs repeat themselves, don't they? LOL
The Funky Finds Spring Fling was FANTASTIC for me - Thank You Joe and Jessica for takin' me on another year (I'm sure they roll their eyes as I haul in a trailer load of...well.....junk!) - now all of you can help me plan the set up for next year! hahahahaHA!
Now. I wonder what Thee Mindy will let me haul along to Zapp.....hmmmm....
Comin' to you LIVE (from where I still haven't fully unloaded what was left!) single-wide...hee-hee
;-) robelyn
Monday, March 15
Sparkles and Kisses
Happy Monday!!!
You are just going to have to wait another day to see what I ended up doing with my trailer full (can you say - Sanford and Son? - I think my Step-Dad was skeert I'd made his trailer look bad!) of rusty junky stuff 'cause I have bigger and BETTER to show you today!!! Guess who I had the pleasure of seeing on Saturday in Ft. Worth?
Yep - you are correct!!! I got hugs and cuddles and grins and kisses from the BEAUTIFUL Ms. Bella (who turned one on Friday!!!) AND guess who's gorgeous creations I had the honor of selling in my booth on Saturday in Ft. Worth?!!?
I got to play hostess to Jenn's "Queen 2 Bishop" line of GORGEOUS sparkles in my booth space!!! Oh my goodness...
Have you been over to see Jenn? She is one creative genius - THIS IS A FACT!!! Each of her pieces were gorgeousness topped with sparkles... and you know how I am about the sparkles!!!
She had each piece with it's very own gift bag - all decked out with her tag and ribbon! SOOOOOOOO fun!!! And - of course - Ms. Bella came out to steal the show!!!
One lady asked me after Jenn and Bella went to check out the neighborhood WHO that baby was that everyone had to stop and see and love on - I looked at her like she was crazzzzzzzy - how can you not know who Bella is?!!? And - if you don't - go read her story! She and Jenn and Debbie have a wonderful story to share - and THOUSANDS of bloggers - families - perfect strangers have adopted her... including myself!!! So... the question is... when do I get to babysit? Pretty please?!!?
You can find Jenn and her sparkles here and here and Saturday and Sunday, the 20th and 21st, she will be set up in Fair Park at Buchanan Market - you really shouldn't miss her!!!
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide (that is full of plastic tubs and packing material from a WONDERFUL show this past week-end!)... hee-hee
;-) robelyn
You are just going to have to wait another day to see what I ended up doing with my trailer full (can you say - Sanford and Son? - I think my Step-Dad was skeert I'd made his trailer look bad!) of rusty junky stuff 'cause I have bigger and BETTER to show you today!!! Guess who I had the pleasure of seeing on Saturday in Ft. Worth?
Yep - you are correct!!! I got hugs and cuddles and grins and kisses from the BEAUTIFUL Ms. Bella (who turned one on Friday!!!) AND guess who's gorgeous creations I had the honor of selling in my booth on Saturday in Ft. Worth?!!?
I got to play hostess to Jenn's "Queen 2 Bishop" line of GORGEOUS sparkles in my booth space!!! Oh my goodness...
Have you been over to see Jenn? She is one creative genius - THIS IS A FACT!!! Each of her pieces were gorgeousness topped with sparkles... and you know how I am about the sparkles!!!
She had each piece with it's very own gift bag - all decked out with her tag and ribbon! SOOOOOOOO fun!!! And - of course - Ms. Bella came out to steal the show!!!
One lady asked me after Jenn and Bella went to check out the neighborhood WHO that baby was that everyone had to stop and see and love on - I looked at her like she was crazzzzzzzy - how can you not know who Bella is?!!? And - if you don't - go read her story! She and Jenn and Debbie have a wonderful story to share - and THOUSANDS of bloggers - families - perfect strangers have adopted her... including myself!!! So... the question is... when do I get to babysit? Pretty please?!!?
You can find Jenn and her sparkles here and here and Saturday and Sunday, the 20th and 21st, she will be set up in Fair Park at Buchanan Market - you really shouldn't miss her!!!
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide (that is full of plastic tubs and packing material from a WONDERFUL show this past week-end!)... hee-hee
;-) robelyn
Friday, March 12
I'm rollin' out!
You KNOW you're scratchin' your head and trying to figure THIS one out...
Come see come see!!!
You'll know me... I'll be doin' the duct tape like a lasso, screamin' YEE HAW and will be standin' in front of the rusty bikes with no steerin' wheels...
You really shouldn't miss that. hahahaha
Have a fantabulous red.neck week-end!!!!!
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... heehee
;-) robelyn
Wednesday, March 10
Have You Ever Been?
If you haven't ever been to Ft. Worth - here are some things for you to do!!!
Bike Around the City - Trinity Trails is over 30 miles of biking, running, or roller blading trails. Most of the paths are wide and paved as they meander along the Trinity River and around the outskirts of Fort Worth.
Party In The Square - Sundance Square is in the heart of downtown Fort Worth and always has some type of fun event going on. There are plenty of shops, restaurants, and fun bars. Some of our favorites include: margaritas at Razos, appetizers or dinner on the roof of Reata, a play at the Bass Performance Hall, sample the beers at Flying Saucer, or dance the night away at City Streets
Go Cowboy (or Cowgirl!) - you can't leave Fort Worth without visiting the Fort Worth Stockyards - take in a rodeo, enjoy some good food, or party all night long at some outstanding and very fun bars
Check Out The Monkeys - the Ft Worth Zoo is a fantastic zoo that the entire family will enjoy. Lots of animals in very well done simulated natural environments with trees, rocks, and waterfalls.
Enjoy a Festival - Fort Worth always has some type of fun and entertaining Special Event - like Mayfest, Main Street Festival, music festivals in the square, and rodeo.
Get Sophisticated (hey - some red.necks are sophistimacated...) - visit the Fort Worth Cultural Center where you can spend lots of time exploring the Cultural Center which has plenty to see and do including; 3 art museums, Nature and Science Museum, Will Rogers coliseum which always has some event, Botanical Gardens, National Cowgirl Hall of Fame, Omni Theater, Casa Manana Theater, and the Livestock Exhibition Hall.
Go Golfing - Fort Worth has some outstanding golf courses at very reasonable rates.
Party Hard - it doesn't get much better than the Fort Worth Nightlife - the locals are friendly, sincere, and out to have a good time. You can find everything from folk to jazz.
Wine and Dine - you won't go hungry or have to search hard for a good Fort Worth Restaurant - you'll find great gourmet food, excellent seafood, and some of the best Mexican in Texas.
Get Wet - visit one of the nearby Lakes - check out Benbrook, Eagle Mountain, Lake Worth, or Joe Pool for skiing, boarding, fishing, camping, swimming, boat rentals, and a good time.
Get duct taped at Funky Finds Spring Fling!!!
You really shouldn't miss it - your favorite red.neck is gettin' packed up, loaded up, rolled up, tagged up and taped up - ready to go!!! Wait 'til you see the load I'm taking... heehee
What FUN!!! Come play with me and I'll share my duct tape with you!!!
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-) Robelyn
Tuesday, March 9
Blue skies and rainbows
And sunbeams from heaven.
Are what I can see when
My Lord is living in me.
Jesus is well and alive today,
He makes His home in my heart.
Never more will I be all alone since He
Promised me that we never would part.
Green grass and flowers,
All blooming in springtime,
Are works of the Master
I live for each day.
Tall mountains, green valleys,
The beauty that surrounds me.
All make me aware of the One
Who made it all.
By Garrett Boon
These beauties ended my day yesterday... cool, huh? Made me think about riding along with "the mama" on Sunday afternoons - red.neck siblings, "the mama" and myself singing this song at the top of our lungs (in rounds... probl'y so we'd quit fighting over who gets the front seat) and checkin' out the local scenery!!! What do you think of when you gaze at a rainbow (or two!)?
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... hee-hee
;-) robelyn
Monday, March 8
Nope - not a skeeter zappppppper! I can't take that down from my 'hood... it's better than movie night!!! Besides - THIS ZZZZzzzzapp is better than movie night!
What could I possibly be referring to that is better than a skeeter zzzzzzzapper and a rousing 2 hours glued to re-runs of Heeee Haw!? I love that show. AND Dukes of Hazard. Oh my goodness...
Besides - THIS is better than John Schneider in tight blue jeans! And - no... it's not the discovery of a massive roll of duct tape! Although - I am still waiting to stumble on the kind that Nascar has. You know the kind that they use to patch up the wrecked cars? That stuff rocks!!!
MY NEWS is better than 60" wide duct tape in hot pink with sparkles circlin' a skeeter zzzzzzzzapper! Wait... do they make that? Do you know what I could do with duct tape that large? That sparkles? Oh my... the wheels are turnin' now...
Where was I? Oh...
My wheels are TURNIN'... right over to Zapp Hall to help out Mindy - CEO extraordinaire of Primitiques 'n Poetry! Yep - you read that right... I'm rollin' my duct tape to the big show!!!
And - this week-end I got to park my duct tape on some of her fun stuff that's going to be there (you guys are in for a REAL treat - that girl's been shoppin' with YOU in mind!)... I spied several things to hang my "primitiques" inspired line of bags off of!
Yep - again - you read that right, but... sssshhhhhhhh - don't tell her... she thinks I'm just coming to help her wreak havoc and create general mayhem... what better place to debut the line of red.neck bags inspired by theeee Mindy?
Think she'll notice any of the bags perched on the 10'................ or hanging out of the 23............ well, you will have to come find them!!! Wanna see, wanna see?
Oh yeah, silly me - you're going to have to come find them! HEEEEEEEE HA!
So - are you sharing in my excitement? Will I see you there at Zapp Hall? You'll know me - I'll be the one fearlessly brandishing the roll of duct tape while helping you load up on all of Mindy's fun stuff... and a handbag too!!!
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide... heehee
;-) robelyn
Friday, March 5
How many?
How many of these are you going to bust out an illegal U-turn for this week-end?
Happy Junkin'!
Comin' to you LIVE from a single-wide...hee-hee
;-) robelyn
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